Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

Tea for Hectic Days

Are you kind of busy people? Do you always face hectic days that make you exhausted or even depressed sometimes? I think drinking TEA will be perfect for you, just as it's perfect to me.

Why tea?

Tea can keep you AWAKE. It has CAFFEINE too but it's not as much as caffeine in coffee. So it is still safe for your gastric if you have digestion problems.
On the other hand, tea has RELAXING aroma which is produced by certain protein. Thus it can help you reduce your tense and stress.

The last reason, tea can is one of HEALTHY drink for you. It is said that tea is good for your bone, teeth, heart pressure, immune system & digestion system. It can also prevent cancer, overweight, and stroke. That is why it is suitable for you who have tight schedule and activities. If you have healthy body, you can do any activities well.

However, being over in everything will never be good, so is drinking tea. You should drink it in proper amount of nutrition need. Some health expert states that you should not drink tea right after eating because it can absorb the nutrition especially iron (Fe) in your food. So, just give a little more time for your metabolism to digest the food you eat before you drink tea or drink the tea in another time like when you do your deadline.

📝 Written for #englishcaption_tea
#englishcaptionchallenge with

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