Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017


Orang yang menjadi TEMPAT CURHAT orang-orang di sekitarnya biasa disebut TEMPAT SAMPAH. Hmm... Agak gak setuju sih ini. Curhatan orang lain gak semuanya 'sampah' kok. Tergantung bagaimana sikap dan sudut pandang kita sebagai pendengar. Curhatan tuh bisa jadi:
(1) PELAJARAN hidup untuk kita ambil hikmahnya sebagai bekal proses mendewasa;
(2) PENGALAMAN tanpa harus mengalami sendiri;
(3) INTROSPEKSI sebab siapa tahu kita juga melakukan kesalahan yang sama tapi tak menyadari sebelumnya; bahkan
(4) INSPIRASI untuk ide cerita/bahan tulisan.

Well, kalaupun masih ada yang menganggap curhatan adalah 'sampah' karena kebanyakan curhatan adalah masalah-masalah, yang (seolah) menambah tumpukan masalah pribadi sendiri, maka yuk lah ubah mindset dan sudut pandang bahwa kita sebagai pendengar bijaklah yang harus pandai-pandai MENDAUR ULANG curhatan menjadi something useful seperti 4 poin di atas.

Jadi, kalau kamu dianggap/jadi 'tempat sampah', bersyukurlah. 😉 You are chosen, let's say. ©DwisRiyuka | 20170416

#10harimenulistimewa @menulistimewa


"What is #beauty? How do you define beauty?" That was the question I throw to my Speaking Club last night. If I had to answer my own question, the following would be my explanation.
In my opinion there are two kinds of beauty based on the visibility. I believe we can't deny the existence of these two.

1. Beauty for SIGHT
This beauty is obviously visible for almost everyone, the ones who can normally see. You can consider things are beautiful right when you barely see them. It depends on our eyes because, in this case, eyes are which value things. Flowers, rainbow, pretty girl, handsome boy, cute baby, natural scenery, green field, clear blue sky, twinkling stars, bright aurora, colourful nebula, the look of the earth from the space, the image of galaxy, coral reef and various fish in a sea, are examples of beauty for sight. We consider those things beautiful as our eyes are pleased by them.

2. Beauty for SOUL
This beauty is inconspicuously seen. It means not everyone can notice this kind of beauty. That is why people might value things differently. A person who help an old grandma to cross the street is beautiful to me, but another people might not value her/him because they don't see KINDNESS as a kind of beauty. A person has brilliant ideas to build a business entity and creating jobs to reduce poverty is beautiful to me, but another people might not value her/him because they don't see INTELLIGENCE as a kind of beauty. A person who give back a wallet s/he found to the owner is beautiful to me, but another people might not value her/him because they don't see HONESTY as a kind of beauty. Any pets are beautiful to me, but another people might not value them because they don't see a CHANCE TO LEARN how to love and care for them when raising it as a kind of beauty. Problems are beautiful to me, but another people might not value it because they don't see HOW it makes people grow stronger as a kind of beauty. Those are beauty for soul. We consider those things beautiful as our soul is pleased by them.

Beauty can be complicated because sometimes it's hard to define, as well as simple because we can value beauty in little things.
📝 Written for #englishcaption_tea
#englishcaptionchallenge with

Tea for Hectic Days

Are you kind of busy people? Do you always face hectic days that make you exhausted or even depressed sometimes? I think drinking TEA will be perfect for you, just as it's perfect to me.

Why tea?

Tea can keep you AWAKE. It has CAFFEINE too but it's not as much as caffeine in coffee. So it is still safe for your gastric if you have digestion problems.
On the other hand, tea has RELAXING aroma which is produced by certain protein. Thus it can help you reduce your tense and stress.

The last reason, tea can is one of HEALTHY drink for you. It is said that tea is good for your bone, teeth, heart pressure, immune system & digestion system. It can also prevent cancer, overweight, and stroke. That is why it is suitable for you who have tight schedule and activities. If you have healthy body, you can do any activities well.

However, being over in everything will never be good, so is drinking tea. You should drink it in proper amount of nutrition need. Some health expert states that you should not drink tea right after eating because it can absorb the nutrition especially iron (Fe) in your food. So, just give a little more time for your metabolism to digest the food you eat before you drink tea or drink the tea in another time like when you do your deadline.

📝 Written for #englishcaption_tea
#englishcaptionchallenge with

Philosophy of Tea

Every little thing Allah creates has philosophy in it. Today, let me try to express what I think about the philosophy of TEA.

Tea can only grow in certain climate. It requires good quality of soil & adequate quantity of rainfall​. It means being SELECTIVE for where we live is quite important. We can't choose where we were born but we can choose where we want ourselves to grow. We are growing old everyday for sure, but we are not always growing better if we live in wrong environment which never let us be a better person .

The buds of tea leaves will always grow again after being picked. It means LETTING GO of something & MOVING ON are the art of living. We don't need to cry too hard for it because it's already our part of life. Just go through it.

Tea is drink for everyone. Unlike some other kinds of beverages, we can drink tea no matter what class, colour, religion, nationality, age, and gender we have. Isn't it quite good to reflect EQUALITY? We are all the same to Him. Devotion is the only thing differs us in front of Him.

Tea is a light drink you can serve in two ways: hot and cold. It reminds us that this life always has TWO SIDES STORY. We must be ready for both sadness and happiness, success and failure, and many other DUALISM.

Tea can be combined to create better flavour. You can find jasmine-tea, milk-tea, lemon-tea, herbal-tea and many other kinds. Can you see how it depicts good TEAMWORK and TOLERANCE? So can I.

Tea always brings good things in human life. The tea plantation brings good money for the owner & workers as well as good view for travellers. A cup of warm tea might be the best company for talking in person to solve problem or for warming up the coldness in a family. A glass of iced-tea might be perfect for driving away our thirst in a hot and tiring day. I believe those are message for us to BE GOOD & DO GOOD for everyone in our surrounding.

Sometimes all you need is a cup of tea. It might remind you how you should be.

📝 Written for #englishcaption_tea
#englishcaptionchallenge with

GROW through Life!

GROW through life. Don't just GO through life. -unknown-

Nature teaches.

It shows us how plants grow where ever they are planted to teach us 'grow' anywhere we are placed.

It shows us how sky and earth meets in mountain view we see from distance turning to be something gorgeous to teach us about diversity and unity all at once.

It shows how rain happens through cycle process, how rice take a long journey to arrive at your plate, and how our warm blanket made from flocks of far away sheep to teach us nothing is got in an eye blink, woops​ 💨 instantly right in front of us by saying avecadevra, no!

Grow, People, grow! Grow as you are banyan tree for others to shelter. Grow as you are coconut tree that every part of you is useful for other. Grow as mangrove that you protect others from danger. Grow, People, grow to be better!

#englishcaption_nature #englishcaptionchallenge with

Allah Mencintai

Pernah gak sih antara iseng² (yang didukung rasa penasaran atas jawaban dari pertanyaanmu sendiri) trus kamu nyari-nyari? Entah dengan googling, baca buku, baca terjemahan Quran, buka Youtube atau bahkan pakai fitur 'search' di aplikasi Quran digital.

Saya pernah penasaran gimana sih biar kita tuh disayang Allah (itu pas ngerasa jauh sama Dia tapi kangen, maklum lah iman bisa up and down). Akhirnya saya manfaatkan teknologi yang ada. Salah satu aplikasi Al-Quran digital kan bisa nyari keyword yang kita masukkan nih. Saya masukkan aja keyword 'mencintai' untuk mencari jawaban pertanyaan tadi.

Voila! Ini hasilnya.

❤ mencintai-Nya; cek QS 2: 165 & QS 3: 31
❤ menepati janji & bertaqwa; cek QS 3: 76
❤ bertaqwa & berbuat kebaikan; cek QS 3: 133-134. Bonus rincian bahwa bertaqwa itu ialah yang berinfak, menahan amarah, & memaafkan kesalahan orang lain.
❤ bersabar; cek QS 3: 146
❤ berbuat kebaikan; cek QS 3: 148
❤ bertawakkal; cek QS 3: 159
❤ berlaku adil; cek QS 49: 9 & QS 60: 8
❤ berjuang di jalan Allah dengan barisan yang TERATUR; cek QS 61: 4

Wow! Awesooome!

Tambah ngefans gak sih sama Qur'an? 😍 Tiap mau galau gitu nggak jadi deh, wong ternyata jawabannya udah ada tersedia di the Best Book ever, a must-read one. Pantesan ya, alim ulama gak sempet galau. Udah ngerti kudu ngapain & nyari di mana kalau galau.

So, masih galau? No way deh! Kapok... Hahaha...


When you have shoes to walk through this far,
why not finding wings to go any farther?
Any way you can do everything under your own steam,
still you need somebody else to reach your dream.
No matter how you can stand on your own two feet,
still you need somebody else to do something beyond your limit.
Something that seems easy
but it's not.
Something that you really wish for
but somehow you're too confused to work it out.
Something that you actually can do well
but with partner, you can do it better.
COLLABORATION & TEAMWORK are now the two magic words.
#selfreminder | DR 20170810

Ode to God

I see the crowd
adore You, My Lord
For the sun stays golden
For it sets in West behind the mountain
For it becomes Your summon

Soon after Your sky turns dark-blue
They get ready to meet You

Millions prayers evaporate in the air
Fly high beyond Your sky
When the time comes on
Even on someday they won't know
You rain their granted wish down
as falling snow
Some are fast, some are slow.
📷 Filter: Lo-Fi 50`
📌 Loc: Candi Ijo, Yogyakarta


Staring at sunset makes me tranquil and gives me time to contemplate. This moment is such a reminder that everything has an end, that our bright life might end with the darkness of mortality, that everyone will face death and we'll be 'the departed' surely. Isn't it so beautiful, the way God gives us a sunset to end our days? Yet, I ask myself: "Will someday I have a beautiful end like this?" An end which let me close my eyes in peace and smile with no worries.
And watching those kites floating in the sky makes me recall what Forrest says. "I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally on a breeze. But I think, maybe it's both. Maybe both happens at the same time." — Forrest Gump (1994)
📌 Loc: Alun-Alun Kidul